Import problems

Started by Anonymous, October 01, 2013, 10:35:45 AM

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Quote from: Anonymous on October 04, 2013, 06:53:28 AM
Now I no longer get the error. Thank you Mindless! I'll come back if I still have problems and don't know how to solve them. :D

$_NO_COMPRESS = true; is a bandaid only, not a fix, you still need to find the root issue


Now I no longer get the error. Thank you Mindless! I'll come back if I still have problems and don't know how to solve them. :D



Code (php) Select
$_NO_COMPRESS = true;

Right under <?php on the affected scripts, remove that once its fixed.

Then find out from the apache error log what's wrong, there's a php or mysql error transmitting text before headers parsed so it gives you a content encoding error.


Hello Mindless! Great news!! I imported all succesfully. Thank you!

I removed a few features from torrents and now I'm getting overload at details.php and edit.php page. Could you also help me with that?

Quote from: ErrorContent Encoding Error

The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because it uses an invalid or unsupported form of compression.

    Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.


My problem is not the import script, but the conversion gives me headaches. In my import script I solved the problem with date format by the function "strtotime", but the rest how can I convert them?

With the passwords I think it would be easier for me to force them to use "Recover" function, but the fact that TorrentTrader does not have the security question option, stops me doing this (I mean users don't have defined a security question now).

P.S: `passkey` and `pass_hash` from TT are encrypted as well as those of U-232?

Later: I solved categories problem with by flush memcache.


See that post again, you need to populate import.php with the most important fields from torrents and then users, that script enables you to do it from the tracker.


Thank you Mindless! I solved the problem with date format, now what do I do with the rest? :D



Hi guys! First of all, I must thank you for this source, is absolutely stunning. Now, my problem is the following: I have a tracker for about 3 years, so far I have used many sources, the latter being TorrentTrader. Now I want to use U-232 V2 but I should do import my current activity (that means torrents and users).

  • Category Import
    -I created the categories through phpmyadmin, but U-232 continues to see all the old ones (less to the requests of the torrents page, there it sees categories well)

  • User Import
Quote from: `passhash`, `secret`, `passkey`
Quote from: U-232 Example
            'cc2b04b6a83c88abbccade127a6e1e1f', '&jC.A', '082f89afd80f5434a3f125085981b285'
Quote from: TorrentTrader Example
            '87f1730bef84f5b6be2ea943e9fa2f61', 'c2S9fKPp1Pods1jqRgdy', '16f72aaed624f55069285682151fdc79'
Quote from: `added`, `last_login`, `last_access`
        U-232: int format
        TorrentTrader: datetime format

  • Torrents Import
Quote from: `info_hash`
        U-232: 40aa5258d2c3102f3ba74fcb5658a752adbb0acc
        TorrentTrader: 2376c486dca4d97b67006910db5db083fff1b347
    I think they have the same method of encrypted and there are no problems, right?
Quote from: `added`,`last_action`
        U-232: int format
        TorrentTrader: datetime format
What should I do? Thank you!