moving torrent list to center on page

Started by bhast2, February 21, 2016, 12:38:42 AM

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thanks for the help but I have moved on to u-232 lol TBDEV is a thing of the past


Question? Isn't the torrent name set to a set number off characters then it cuts off and follows by the 3 dots(ellipses) then followed by the subs, to get the full name wouldn't you have to change this number and put a
 so the sub would go underneath, a separate line? The location off this I'm unsure off, it's been a long time since i worked on old tbdev code, sorry.

Don't mean to step on any toes.
"Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication." ~ Leonardo da Vinci


The only way I can think of is replacing all the periods with spaces in the torrent names

$dispname = htmlsafechars( str_replace('.',' ',$row['name'] ));

at least that is the only way I can think of and I'm not even certain if it will work or not
Unless stated otherwise code is untested


Code (php) Select
$dispname = htmlsafechars( ($row['name'] );

its that line that is causing the problems.

I changed it to show the full name of the file and that is what is causing the issues

so it was this
Code (php) Select
$dispname = htmlsafechars( itsawrap($row['name']) );

I changed it to this
Code (php) Select
$dispname = htmlsafechars( ($row['name'] );

So i need a proper way to show the full name of the torrent on the browser page

all this code is in torrentable functions.php

so if you could take a look at the and see how to change that to show full names in the browse.php that would be awesome

see picture as to what happens when you add itsawrap back into that line

thanks for the help on this


I'm not seeing anything specific that I can tell... but maybe comment out
$HTMLOUT .= "<div class='thecloud'>";
Unless stated otherwise code is untested




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Unless stated otherwise code is untested


I did some adjustments to my site to make it 100% width but not my list for uploaded torrents are not centered and I can't figure out what I need to change to keep it centered

here is a picture of what I am talking about

here are my css files and php files that you might need to help me fix this issue

thanks for the help

if you need any more files just ask


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