
Started by BamBam0077, November 30, 2017, 02:56:17 AM

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Sorry mate, but this doesn't make any sense.
cms_quest can only be login, recovery, signup and index according to the given schema. So I'm not really sure what you are trying to make there. Maybe missing fields from schema.
Your function is incoherent.
default value definition should be only 1 equal sign. You are assigning $quest to login there. Should produce a php error as well.
include will include settings each time you call it. And you're including at least 2 times the config.
You are quering, but not using the result. And here you select *, cms_quest, which is only id and cms_quest, doesn't make sens.
while {
  else {
Should produce error as well. While expression not defined, else should be after if as well.
ORDER BY id,cms_quest
Doesn't make any sense cause id is auto incremented, which won't result in duplicate entries, thus the second order doesn't really matter.\

I don't mean to bash on you, just pointing out things you should fix :)



CREATE TABLE `template232` (
`id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
`cms_quest` enum('login','recovery,'signup','index') COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL DEFAULT 'login',


function tmplsettings( $quest == "login" ) {

global $getthisnow;
mysqli_db_query("SELECT *, cms_quest FROM boards_settings ORDER BY id ") or mysqli_error(__FILE__, __LINE__);
// add-on plugin
while {
  else {
if( $quest == "recovery" ) {

     global $getthisnow;
     mysqli_db_query("SELECT *, cms_quest FROM boards_settings ORDER BY id ") or mysqli_error(__FILE__, __LINE__);
     // add-on plugin

"When Darkness Shadows Your Doubts, Deep Within Us Is Our Key, Not Success But Everything" ~ Anonymous


mysqli_db_query("SELECT *, cms_quest FROM boards_settings ORDER BY id ") or mysqli_error(__FILE__, __LINE__);


mysqli_db_query("SELECT *, cms_quest FROM boards_settings ORDER BY id,cms_quest ") or mysqli_error(__FILE__, __LINE__);

now for this to work you will need to know how to create db and run it within php now this is for a template system maybe it could help you out? [=
"When Darkness Shadows Your Doubts, Deep Within Us Is Our Key, Not Success But Everything" ~ Anonymous