I have a question on hash upload

Started by Bjw, September 17, 2011, 11:18:16 PM

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good work bjw.  Glad you managed to fix ur problem.


Ok I have it figured out as far as whats going on.Let me ask a question again.I assume its the private tracker patch causing me the problem as far as what I am attempting.If I comment out the private tracker patch .Which I hate doing ,will this mean they will have to make the torrents on all seed boxes with the proper announce?

If so I guess I need to weigh my options here.

Was thinking maybe to much.Is there a way to code in maybe a bypass for a select userids to bypass the the private tracker patch.Like an array?

Sorry for asking stupid questions its just I hate working on the torrents on a live site lol.I have lost torrents 3 yrs ago lol over 12000 rofl just don't want to screw it up.

Thanks for any input

ok finally got it

did this with the line of code
if($CURUSER["id"] =='oooooo') { } else {
   $dict['value']['info']['value']['source']=bdec(benc_str( "{$INSTALLER09['baseurl']} {$INSTALLER09['site_name']}")); // add link for bitcomet users

all seems ok maybe should have used != instead but its working right now so poo poo

I guess I just needed to post and then think about it to get my brain active rofl.This happens a lot


I have been trying to do auto upload.I have bypassed the captcha for the user twbot and removed the comment which was added.My problem is I need to be able to have the torrent be able to be made on the remote box and not redownload the torrent.Another words http://mysite.net/announce.php?passkey=njinon54086843whatever.With me using the twbot passkey.

How I get error failure torrent not registered with this tracker code2

hmmm is it the info hash and if so how could I do this?

now in this section of the takeupload.php

   $dict['value']['announce']=bdec(benc_str($INSTALLER09['announce_urls'][0]));  // change announce url to local
    $dict['value']['info']['value']['private']=bdec('i1e');  // add private tracker flag
    $dict['value']['info']['value']['source']=bdec(benc_str( "{$INSTALLER09['baseurl']} {$INSTALLER09['site_name']}")); // add link for bitcomet users
    //$dict['value']['comment'] = bdec(benc_str("In using this torrent you are bound by the {$INSTALLER09['site_name']} Confidentiality Agreement By Law")); // change torrent comment
    unset($dict['value']['announce-list']); // remove multi-tracker capability
    unset($dict['value']['nodes']); // remove cached peers (Bitcomet & Azareus)
    $dict=bdec(benc($dict)); // double up on the becoding solves the occassional misgenerated        infohash
    list($ann, $info) = dict_check($dict, "announce(string):info");
    $infohash = sha1($info["string"]);

If I comment out this part it will work
$dict['value']['info']['value']['source']=bdec(benc_str( "{$INSTALLER09['baseurl']} {$INSTALLER09['site_name']}")); // add link for bitcomet users

but it affects seedboxes when they redownload the torrent then they go red and will not connect.

I am a bit lost here and more or less need some help.

I need the torrent to work with the local and passkey

any help will be appreciated

Thank you ahead of time