problem with themes

Started by Spidey, January 02, 2012, 05:35:42 PM

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its easy i put this code   <script type='text/javascript' src='./scripts/shout.js'></script> in the template


Hi Spidey
Could you post in here how you solved it, as this will help others in future  ;)


thanks guys for the solution i solved the problem :)


looks like js too me and if you made any changes to the shoutbox.php you will need to put back the old one and look for it to add to the new one so on


Hi Spidey
I haven't got V1 loaded at present, so this is just a guess, but with your new theme have you got bbcode.css in your theme folder?


thanks swizzles v1 is very nice to me :)
i have a problem now with themes i create one and its very cool :D
but their is problem when i click on torrent details this bug appear imdb\imdb_request.class.php on line 66
and when i click on [ Commands ] [ More Smilies ] Nothing happen plz any idea to solve the problem
Thank You :)


thanks guys for advice me but honestly i want to try v3 but i failed to install it  on Windows because of the chmood  problem i want to try it before i buy the server. so any i idea to install it and thanks :)


V2 is a better start but over all start with v1 for a few months until u get it then move up .. As rep stated V3 is was better then all :P so get used to it and move up the ladder

any help just ask NONE of the v2 theme or v3 theme work on v1 but if u want any of them ask i have sometime to convert but only 1 of them as i am really busy on other things .

Never fall to those that just sit there.. Always look for the way to the top even if you have to code it your self and mistakes and all... quote from BonZO...


V2 has memcache and V1 doesnt so they wont work without removing the memcache parts in the template.php, but to be honest, why dont you start with V2 or better yet V3 and install memcache on your server, there is so much already done on V2/3 over V1, and there is loads of themes already ;)


 it was v2 theme and i was looking for v1 themes and i don't Find Them
so the problem is the v of The Theme thanks


what version of the tracker are you using and what version of the theme are you using? as v3 themes wont work on v1 etc


Hi Guys :) 

I have problem with  themes
when i put theme this msg appear  (Site is down for maintenance, please check back again later... thanks)
and i cant login or do any thing sorry i am beginner to solve the problem with no help