User is still pending

Started by john, November 21, 2011, 07:25:13 PM

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Quote from: swizzles on November 21, 2011, 07:48:06 PM
lol, edit the status m8 or you could even confirm the user in your staff panel  ;)

many thax swizzles your a star im just getting into this code and im realy likeing it a very lot best code on the net i must say


lol, edit the status m8 or you could even confirm the user in your staff panel  ;)


Quote from: swizzles on November 21, 2011, 07:30:24 PM
Hi John
Means your user ain't been confirmed, are you confirming by email?

Go into whatever mysql proggie you are using and confirm the user manually and see what happens  ;)

here is a pic for you mate to look at many thax and would i have to set them too confirm

[attachment deleted by admin]


Hi John
Means your user ain't been confirmed, are you confirming by email?

Go into whatever mysql proggie you are using and confirm the user manually and see what happens  ;)


hello im getting this on users online and when user went to go to there profile to edit it saying same this thing to them its will be like this for a few hours too any idae what to set or fix please ?

User is still pending.